Information for Parents

Dear Parents/Guardian,

Welcome back to school! First I would like to say welcome to Ms. Diamond’s eighth grade Language Arts class. I am very excited and look forward to working with you and your student.  I ask that your student bring a three ring binder with dividers, loose leaf paper, and pencils to class every day. We have many things on the agenda for this year.  

The following are the selections that we will be studying:

  • Tell-Tale Heart- Edgar Allan Poe
  • The Treasure of Lemon Brown- Walter Dean Myers
  • Lamb to Slaughter- Ronald Dahl
  • The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins
  • Night- Elie Wiesel
  • To Kill a Mockingbird- Harper Lee

There will also be a vocabulary list that students will bring home every week to study. Daily homework assignments will be centered on reinforcing vocabulary words.  I am also sending home a copy of my classroom procedures for you and your student to review.

On the back of this sheet, there is a contact form that I request you fill out.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call and leave me a message in the front office; our school number is 980-343-0698. I can also be reached by email at, or you can check our class website at  I am always happy to talk to the families of my students. Let’s work together to make sure your child gets everything he or she needs to be successful this year!

Again I look forward to this year!


 Ms. Diamond

8th Grade Language Arts



Please fill in the best time and way to contact you.


Name/Relationship to Student


Best Time to Reach You


Best Way to Contact

Cell    House    Email   Call  Text    Other:

House Number


Cell Phone Number


Alternative Number




Primary Language Spoken at Home



Por favor rellene el mejor momento y forma de contactarlo.


Nombre / Relación con el estudiante


Mejor Hora Para Llamar


La mejor manera de Contacto

Email       Celular        House        Call       Texto      adicional:

Casa Nùmero


Número de teléfono celular


Número Alternativa




Idioma principal que se habla en el hogar



S'il vous plaît remplir le meilleur moment et la façon de communiquer avec vous.


Nom / Relations avec les étudiants


Meilleur moment pour vous joindre


Top of Form

Meilleure façon de contacter

Email Maison            Cellulaire         Appelez texte         Autres:

Nombre maison


Numéro de téléphone cellulaire


Autre numéro




Langue principale parlée à la maison